Category: Public speaking tips

22 January 2017 - 19:05, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
Speed Kills! We all know what speeding can do on the road. Speed can kill. But speeding also can kill your speech. There are many reasons why people speak fast when they are presenting. They worry that what they have to say is not important or is boring. They have been told that they have...
14 November 2016 - 17:50, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
Great speakers have great articulation. You could be passionate about your speech but if you don’t form your words clearly, your message is lost. How do you have great articulation? It’s as easy as opening your mouth. But, in today’s society we rarely open our mouths. Perhaps because we are Canadian and don’t want to...
23 October 2016 - 20:09, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
Read Grant Fedoruk’s blog about my workshop
16 October 2016 - 14:22, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
Click Here for my University of Alberta School of Business Blog
29 September 2016 - 15:32, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
There has been a lot of talk about vocal fry, in the voice world and beyond. Vocal fry is a low vibratory sound that is evident in people’s speech at the end of sentences. Last summer, journalist Naomi Wolf wrote about vocal fry in her column for the Guardian. She cited a study in which...
11 April 2016 - 20:25, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
Her Success Blog
3 July 2015 - 18:31, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
Shaw TV’s Bianca Jade filed this story about me on Shaw TV’s GO Edmonton.
29 May 2015 - 11:13, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
I’m always surprised at the diversity of circumstance for those who attend my workshops. There are the people you’d expect to be there: business people who lack confidence in their voice, hair stylists who feel they need to up their social game. But I’ve also encountered students who are to speak at a wedding. And...
26 May 2015 - 12:39, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
I’m not much of a sports fan. I never played sports and rarely watch it. My husband took me to a game in the eighties and I asked him if Mark Messier was the goalie. He hasn’t brought me back. It’s all for the best anyways, because what really interests me about the games is...
18 April 2015 - 18:20, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
Sometimes when I take my car in to the auto repair shop I have to get the wheels aligned. If I don’t, it can affect my steering, my safety and the durability of the tires. Proper alignment of our spine is integral to proper voice production. Like the car, without proper alignment your body will...

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  • Alyson worked with our teams over a 3 day period. The teams all had well scripted presentations, but no voice and public speaking training. She made an incredible impact on their presentations. All participants sounded more confident and professional. The ROI on this training will be immediate, and one that every sales organization should implement.
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