Category: Public speaking tips

29 March 2020 - 15:09, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
Since the Covid-19 pandemic we’ve had to shift the way we work.  Meetings have been conducted remotely and I have held many coaching sessions via video link. My friend and colleague Margot Ross-Graham of Sandbar Coaching & Consulting has some important advice on how to conduct a meeting even though no one is in the...
29 February 2020 - 14:53, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
Some presenters don’t want to move and will stand behind the lectern for their entire speech. That is fine unless they’re gripping the thing. Try to keep your body loose.   Some like to walk while speaking. That’s fine too, if they have a reason to move. When you move, do it with a purpose. Lay...
28 January 2020 - 18:52, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
 When giving a speech many of my clients have difficulty looking at the audience. Trying to feel comfortable, some look above the audience’s heads. I often demonstrate this to a client. How does it make you feel if I’m not looking at you? Looking above people’s’ heads makes it appear that you aren’t interested. You’re...
29 November 2019 - 17:54, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
The writing and publication of my book “Public Speaking Skills for Dummies” has been an exciting journey.  And it took an interesting turn when I received a message from Hossein who told me he was translating my book for publication in Iran.  So it’s going from English to Farsi. I was very excited to hear...
20 October 2019 - 16:48, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
My alma mater featured me on it’s website in October. Click here to read the article.
29 September 2019 - 18:07, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
A Tale of Two Tour Guides    My husband and I just returned from Berlin and Bruges. I wanted to go to Berlin because a friend of ours, Brian Deedrick, hosts walking tours every summer.  His real job is directing operas all over the world. About 20 years ago he went to Berlin to bone up...
28 May 2019 - 18:36, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
Your voice has a natural pitch, which makes it easy to speak, is comfortable for your body and pleasant to hear. When you try to change your pitch, for whatever reason, you can get yourself in trouble. I am working with a female client who told me that she has heard that if she speaks...
21 February 2019 - 21:23, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
Last year the world was fixated on 12 Thai boys and their coach.  A soccer team trapped in a cave and a frantic rescue mission trying to save them.  I wondered how they were keeping calm? Was anyone freaking out? But we saw pictures of them looking very relaxed, even smiling. Turns out their coach,...
30 December 2018 - 15:18, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
Baby It’s Cold Outside – CBC Edmonton AM Woke Edition
30 December 2018 - 15:11, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
Ignite Magazine at Carleton University Women in Business

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  • Alyson worked with our teams over a 3 day period. The teams all had well scripted presentations, but no voice and public speaking training. She made an incredible impact on their presentations. All participants sounded more confident and professional. The ROI on this training will be immediate, and one that every sales organization should implement.
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