Author: Alyson Connolly

13 May 2021 - 15:20, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
In our virtual world of presentations, we’ve all seen a few mishaps: a child running in to tell his Dad that he has to go poop, a participant in a workshop that forgot to shut of their mic and is heard saying, “this guy is so boring” we’ve even seen some clips of half naked...
6 March 2021 - 8:15, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
My sister was asked to give a toast at her son’s wedding. She doesn’t consider herself a confident public speaker, mainly because she hasn’t had to do it many times in her career. After we tweaked the speech to where we felt it was in her own her voice, she began practicing it out loud....
15 January 2021 - 14:00, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
  The ability to speak confidently in front of other people is a foundational skill that will supercharge all aspects of your career. It will increase your confidence across a wide range of other skills, helping with critical thinking, listening and improving your leadership abilities. Your ability to persuade, whether that’s with clients you want...
14 December 2020 - 13:54, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
This Mask Makes Me want to Shout Currently, in some areas in the world, masks are mandated in public places to reduce the spread of Covid-19. In my country it is advised to wear a mask with three layers. Since the masks are thicker, I’ve noticed some of the interactions I have with cashiers at...
18 November 2020 - 13:40, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
When I went back to school to get my masters in theatre voice pedagogy (the fancy name for teaching voice), I thought I’d learn a few tips to help people find their voice. Teach them how to breath, how to project their voice, and how to articulate. During my two years at university, I would...
27 October 2020 - 15:58, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
How I Have Pivoted During Covid
2 October 2020 - 12:33, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
  The wearing of masks during the pandemic has really highlighted to me how much we rely on body language and facial expressions for communication.  In my city, we’re required to wear masks in public places. Just like working virtual, it has been a new thing to get used to.    If you’re not articulating properly, while...
19 June 2020 - 9:42, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
  Many people are afraid of public speaking. It’s not the speaking, it’s the public part. The fact that they’re in front of people. They’re worried that the audience won’t like their speech, or they’ll judge them for stumbling on words or forget key points and everyone will know.   One strategy for overcoming this...
26 May 2020 - 14:50, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
The goal of a presentation could be many things: Persuading, informing or entertaining. Some will combine all three. The use of slides is there to add to your presentation. To give a visual representation of the point you’re making. And the simpler, the better. Therefore, slides with a lot of words on them do not...
7 May 2020 - 15:52, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
Before March 18, 2020, I had been working with a few individuals remotely. However, if I was told that I’d be giving a workshop virtually, I wouldn’t have believed it! My workshop is about people and I need to be in the room with them. But in came the pandemic and I needed to adapt. ...

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  • Alyson worked with our teams over a 3 day period. The teams all had well scripted presentations, but no voice and public speaking training. She made an incredible impact on their presentations. All participants sounded more confident and professional. The ROI on this training will be immediate, and one that every sales organization should implement.
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