Category: Public speaking tips

30 November 2018 - 17:48, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
  I’m going to serve you up a piece of pie this month.  But not a tasty morsel of apple or banana cream – a PIE that will be a delicious speech for your audience to appreciate.  (and in this case, in a hurry)    You’ve been asked to give a speech TOMORROW about the...
10 October 2018 - 17:07, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
It was February of 2017. I attended a lunch meeting for the charity that I’m involved with. Now I usually don’t eat bread (this subject will come up later), but I enjoyed the sandwiches. The meeting concludes and off I go to the tailor to pick up my alterations. As I bend down and reach...
20 December 2017 - 20:31, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
I recently appeared on the That’s So Maven! podcast with Andrea Beca.  Listen Here
30 November 2017 - 16:49, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
“Today, I’m going to talk about the benefits of living in a cold climate. I  live in  Edmonton, where it is cold in the winter ”….. Yawn! I am ready to go to sleep! I’ve heard many speakers who start a speech that way. And you know what? The audience already knows what they are...
30 October 2017 - 15:43, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
We just had a civic election here in Alberta. Congratulations to those who won, and good for you for wanting to make a difference in our fine province. I listened to many speeches over the course of the election and I’ve come  up with a list of things that you can do better next time....
29 September 2017 - 17:33, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
“I never speak in public”, said the IT guy at a function that I was at recently. “Really,” I replied, “Do you ever talk to your boss or colleague about what is going on in your department? When you are at a function like this one, do you ever explain to someone what you do?”...
13 June 2017 - 11:32, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
PowerPoint. Is it Powerful or Pointless? Many of the clients who I work with use Power Point. Sometimes I question whether they need it or not. PowerPoint was developed  as a series of slides for the Mac computer in the 1980’s by Robert Gaskins. It’s a presentation software program that uses a graphical approach to...
28 April 2017 - 15:36, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
Do you ever feel that you are unworthy of having your job and giving that presentation? That you don’t belong there because everyone else is so much better than you? Well, you, my friend are suffering from “the Impostor Syndrome”. This term was coined in 1978 by psychologists Pauline R. Clance and Suzanne A. Imes....
30 March 2017 - 15:48, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
Statistics show that people would rather die than speak in public. Why is that? It’s built into us. Our nervous system consists of nerves and cells that carry messages to and from our brain and spinal cord. The sympathetic nervous system activates the “fight or flight” response within our bodies while the parasympathetic nervous system,...
26 February 2017 - 14:20, by , in Public speaking tips, Comments off
I recently gave a webinar to professionals who felt their accent impeded their ability to be understood in the workplace. Click on the link below to learn some tips on how to speak with clarity and confidence. Shiftworkplace Webinar Link

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  • Alyson is an amazing public speaking coach! Whether you’re trying to be a public speaker or need to give a presentation or even simply speaking to another person, Alyson’s workshop will give you the confidence to speak up and make you sound professional. You will learn proper breathing techniques that will improve your vocal delivery and speaking techniques that make your speech sound alive. Her sessions are fun, engaging and insightful. Public speaking can make anyone self-conscious, but she is thoughtful and warm in making sure you can be your authentic self. I highly recommend her!
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